Stranded in Aceh, the Rohingya Tribe Allegedly Expelled

Banda Aceh - The people of Myanmar are thought to have repelled the Rohingya people, now they are sailing without knowing their destination so they are stranded in the Banda Aceh sea, Monday (7/9/20).
A total of 297 people consisting of, 181 women, 14 children, and the rest of these Rohingya refugee men from Myanmar were stranded in Lhokseumawe, Aceh.
They were rescued by local fishermen. Deputy Secretary General of Laot Aceh Miftach Cut Adek confirmed that these refugees had survived.
It is not known how long they had been at sea before arriving at Lhokseumawe. When they arrived at the beach, all the refugees were given masks.
The Rohingya refugees were stranded at 00.30 WIB, they docked to the shoreline by boat type GT TRN.U 11/00.
"Currently, they are still in the tourist location of Ujong Blang beach. They were stranded and then rescued by fishermen," he said, Monday (7/9/20).
Once arrived, the immigrant immediately got off the ship. Local residents then gathered them in one location.
The Aceh government plan will carry out a swab to ensure that these refugees do not carry the corona virus from their place of origin. **
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